Drove from Dallas, TX all the way to New York City. When he found he couldn't get a job or even get into school, he called a buddy and that friend drove all the way up to get him! They almost crashed on the way home, but neither were injured.
With another buddy, they were on a road trip out west and crossed the Colorado River. They decided they were going to jump. They were 100-150 feet in the air. Both Greg and his friend landed on a slant and ended up bruising all up and down their legs and arms.
While staying with a coach, Greg was home alone and had an allergic reaction. His eyes swelled up and his throat started to close. He was gasping for breath and called his sister for help. They both rushed to the ER and she dragged him in. To keep Greg alive they had to give hi multiple adrenaline shots and of course a ton of benadryl. Kept him alive!
Life Lessons:
Other Resources:
Life Lesson from a Snowman
If we are all as honest as the Milk Lady in Germany
The only way so Succeed at Anything