As a follow-up question to a recent episode about helping your spouse 'show up' or invest in your extraordinary life , we were asked: "I love listening to your podcast. I'm a stay-at-home mom of four and I homeschool. I reall...
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#256 How to Become More CAPABLE So You Can Do The Work to Achieve Your Extraordinary Life, Marriage & Family
A member of my 28-Day Challenge coaching program asked: "I'm curious: what do your kids do for work or how do they learn work ethic? Our oldest is almost 16 and starting a job this summer which is flexible (thank goodness) bu...
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#252 "No Job for Our Teens" How We Teach a Wealth & Entrepreneur Mindset
"I wanted to know what you guys think about screen time ... I stopped letting my son (6) watch but then we reintroduced it as my husband said that if itβs in a foreign language it can be beneficial exposure to the language .....
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#251 Managing (& Modeling) Screen Time Usage & Addiction in Kids & Adults
In this unique episode, I'm discussing how to motivate your teen and sharing a coaching session from my 28-Day Challenge because Greg is currently trekking to the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro with four of our teens and a group of 1...
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#249 Here's Why You & Your Spouse Disagree (Understanding the Values Hierarchy) PLUS Tips to Motivate Teens
"I am wondering if I can expect more from my kids than I expect from husband ? He has ADHD so he "gets distracted" easily and spends hours a day looking at news stories with his phone. Can I expect my teens to go on a phone d...
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#248 Can I Expect MORE from my Kids Even if my Spouse Isn't Setting an Example?
First, let us start by explaining what we're NOT saying in this episode. EVERY family should not homeschool. But *most* families should (we explain what that means). And NO, homeschooling does not automatically guarantee cert...
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#246 Why 'Every' Family* Should Homeschool Their Kids if They Want EXTRAORDINARY Outcomes
Before we had kids, we all had idealized visions of what we *thought* it would be like. For me, it included images of perfectly dressed and pressed children with clean faces sitting on a picnic blanket in the sunshine, enjoyi...
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#243 Why You Don't Enjoy Parenthood As Much As You'd Hoped You Would
"What would I actually do if I spent more time with my wife and kids? What does that look like? " "I went on a getaway with my husband and I was bored . I couldn't wait to get back to the kids." "I've been going on more dates...
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#242 HOW to (Enjoy) Spending More Time with Your Spouse & Kids
Do you want to develop a parenting style and family culture that nurtures instilling values through individual autonomy INSTEAD of through parental control? Parents face many challenges -- and the temptation to control their ...
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#241 Stop Controlling Your Kids & Instead Gain Their Love, Respect & Admiration
Are your kids picky eaters? Are you concerned about their short and long-term health because of a lack of nutrition? Then listen to this episode where we discuss the importance -- and strategies -- for instilling good dietary...
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#240 Dealing with Picky Eaters & Empowering a Lifetime of Healthy Food Choices
Would you love to know how to EFFECTIVELY & correctily discipline your kids? (There is a wrong and right way.) Would you like to be able to discipline without the drama, yelling, punishing, or nagging, AND do it in a way that...
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#239 Stop Punishing. Learn How to (Effectively) Discipline Your Kids
If you've been a parent long you know that parenting often feels like a series of problems to solve. This is accurate. So it only makes sense that if you become a better problem-solver, you will become a better parent. Contin...
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#236 Creating Stability: Become a Better Problem Solver to Become a Better Parent
In this very important episode, Greg and I discuss first-hand knowledge we have about the growing industry of human trafficking . We also talk about sexual abuse, how it happens, and how to protect your kids. If you think it ...
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#232 PROTECT Your Kids NOW from Traffickers & Sexual Abusers
We've never told any of our 7 children there is a Santa Clause or a Tooth Fairy.
That's because we always wanted to be seen as people our children can believe and trust -- NO MATTER WHAT -- especially when it comes to discer...
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#231 Stop Lying to Your Kids β Speak ONLY Truth to Gain More Influence
"Do you have a podcast episode or advice somewhere where you talk about how you instilled a love of reading in your children ? As parents love reading and have read a lot to our children when they were young. Sometimes we sti...
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#228 How to Help Your Kids LOVE 'Reading' (aka Stories, Learning, & Growing)