VIP Couples Trip - Stay With Us at a Scottish Castle! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏰

Most Recent Episodes

In these episodes we discuss the current events going on around the World.
June 28, 2022

#183 Seeing BEYOND Roe Vs. Wade, Gun Control, & Other 'Surface Tensions'

There is a lot of ‘surface tension’ in the media today -- social and mainstream. Lots of polarity and opposition about intense topics. And it bothers me. Because it paints the picture that there are only two sides to any issu...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast
April 2, 2022

#173 Beauty, Art, Changing World Order, & Jordan Peterson Live

Greg and I are always fascinated by ideas , the search for truth , intellectual discussion , and meaningful connection . As intentionally as we have designed our lifestyle, it’s still rare for us to have all of those things i...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast
Sept. 25, 2021

#158 The Politicization of C*vid & the V*ccine -- the episode we 'should not' be doing ;)

In our last episode (#158), Greg hinted at doing another episode about the v*ccine. I wasn't so sure. But after thinking and discussing it, we decided to do it together -- partly because our individual views balance each othe...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast