In this thought-provoking episode of the Extraordinary Family Life podcast, hosts Greg and Rachel Denning explore the profound impact of societal systems on parenting and family life. They delve into the concept of “the matr…
In this episode, Greg and Rachel Denning delve into the pervasive issue of entitlement in families and society , exploring how it shapes behavior and undermines resilience. They emphasize the importance of free speech as a t…
Welcome to this episode, where hosts Greg and Rachel Denning dive into a crucial and timely discussion: Why are so many people leaving the church? They tackle the often-taboo topic of questioning religious beliefs and practi…
In this compelling episode, hosts Greg and Rachel Denning dive deep into making sense of current events and the societal trends that are causing increasing concern for many parents. They explore the chilling effects of speak…
In this episode, Greg and Rachel Denning dive deep into today's global issues and share their insights on how to stay informed and prepared . They discuss the significance of asking the right questions and seeking informatio…
Join Greg and Rachel Denning as they take you on a thrilling journey through their recent bucket list adventure and travel across London, Kazakhstan , Mongolia , China & Qatar . In this episode, they share captivating storie…
It wasn't too long ago that I would have been hesitant to make such a bold statement -- that wokesim is a dangerous cult. That's because I have many beliefs that are in line with the underlying viewpoints, such as open-minde…
We cover a LOT of things in this episode as we discuss, examine, and analyze things that have been on our minds during the last week and as we ask each other WHAT'S GOING ON IN THE WORLD?? We're not talking about conspiracy …
After nine months of traveling outside of the USA (to 17+ countries from Tromsø to Cairo), we return to take care of some things that will help us make a permanent transition to our home base in Portugal... But as usual, the…
In this episode, we philosophize (are you surprised?) about observations we've been making for the past decade or more as we've read, studied, and traveled to 50+ countries. It's kind of like putting together a puzzle. You t…
In our podcast episodes, we like to answer questions we’re asked or to discuss topics that impact — or fire — us up. Lately, we’ve been discussing together the most recent school shooting in the United States (and the result…
Hey everybody! Greg and I are in Oslo, Norway with our family, recovering from jet lag. In a few hours, we fly to Tromsø, 220 miles north of the Arctic Circle . Tomorrow begins our first Norway trip where 18 other people wil…
This content is taken from a recording of a live coaching session with our Extraordinary Family Life Formula coaching group. It is member-only content. If you would like to access it you can join The Formula or you can subsc…
We like to get our podcast topics from issues that really ‘fire us up’ (it makes for better discussions). This week, I was fired up by some comments left on an Instagram Reel I created about allowing ‘boys to be boys’ with a…
There is a lot of ‘surface tension’ in the media today -- social and mainstream. Lots of polarity and opposition about intense topics. And it bothers me. Because it paints the picture that there are only two sides to any iss…