As we record this we're sitting in an Airbnb in Tangier, Morocco , living yet *another* of our family's dreams -- to road trip from Portugal to Morocco. Before this trip is over we'll travel from our home base in Portugal to ...
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#244 Make NEXT Year Your Best Yet! How to Turn Your Family Dreams into Reality
Before we had kids, we all had idealized visions of what we *thought* it would be like. For me, it included images of perfectly dressed and pressed children with clean faces sitting on a picnic blanket in the sunshine, enjoyi...
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#243 Why You Don't Enjoy Parenthood As Much As You'd Hoped You Would
"What would I actually do if I spent more time with my wife and kids? What does that look like? " "I went on a getaway with my husband and I was bored . I couldn't wait to get back to the kids." "I've been going on more dates...
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#242 HOW to (Enjoy) Spending More Time with Your Spouse & Kids
Do you want to develop a parenting style and family culture that nurtures instilling values through individual autonomy INSTEAD of through parental control? Parents face many challenges -- and the temptation to control their ...
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#241 Stop Controlling Your Kids & Instead Gain Their Love, Respect & Admiration
Are your kids picky eaters? Are you concerned about their short and long-term health because of a lack of nutrition? Then listen to this episode where we discuss the importance -- and strategies -- for instilling good dietary...
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#240 Dealing with Picky Eaters & Empowering a Lifetime of Healthy Food Choices
Would you love to know how to EFFECTIVELY & correctily discipline your kids? (There is a wrong and right way.) Would you like to be able to discipline without the drama, yelling, punishing, or nagging, AND do it in a way that...
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#239 Stop Punishing. Learn How to (Effectively) Discipline Your Kids
We cover a LOT of things in this episode as we discuss, examine, and analyze things that have been on our minds during the last week and as we ask each other WHAT'S GOING ON IN THE WORLD?? We're not talking about conspiracy t...
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#238 Israel/Palestine, Ukraine, W.H.O., 'The Great Reset', Tolerance, Murdered Activists, and Other Craziness! 🤪
In this series about raising well-adjusted kids and better family stability , we're now diving into the 2nd level of the Extraordinary Family Life Pyramid -- Marriage! YOU are the foundation of your family life, followed by y...
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#237 The Stability of Your Family Life DEPENDS on the Stability of Your Marriage
If you've been a parent long you know that parenting often feels like a series of problems to solve. This is accurate. So it only makes sense that if you become a better problem-solver, you will become a better parent. Contin...
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#236 Creating Stability: Become a Better Problem Solver to Become a Better Parent
"My kids are having a hard time adjusting to _______ (moving, traveling, homeschooling, divorce, death, etc). How can I help them?" We've received a question like this dozens of times over the years. Parents the world over wo...
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#235 Creating a Family Culture of Stability, Safety, Trust, & Well-Adjusted Family Members
After nine months of traveling outside of the USA (to 17+ countries from Tromsø to Cairo), we return to take care of some things that will help us make a permanent transition to our home base in Portugal... But as usual, ther...
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#234 College, Drug Lords, Billboards & Totalitarianism in America
In this episode, we philosophize (are you surprised?) about observations we've been making for the past decade or more as we've read, studied, and traveled to 50+ countries. It's kind of like putting together a puzzle. You ta...
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#233 The Impending Unraveling (and Collapse?) of Society -- How to Protect Your Family
In this very important episode, Greg and I discuss first-hand knowledge we have about the growing industry of human trafficking . We also talk about sexual abuse, how it happens, and how to protect your kids. If you think it ...
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#232 PROTECT Your Kids NOW from Traffickers & Sexual Abusers
We've never told any of our 7 children there is a Santa Clause or a Tooth Fairy.
That's because we always wanted to be seen as people our children can believe and trust -- NO MATTER WHAT -- especially when it comes to discer...
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#231 Stop Lying to Your Kids — Speak ONLY Truth to Gain More Influence
I (Rachel) cried today. It was because of the stress and pressure and overwhelm of 'all the things' I have to get done by a looming deadline, and it was sparked by the small irritations of family life. So Greg and I do what w...
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#230 How to Handle the Stress & Pressure of Family Life and to Move Into Higher Level Emotions
After posting reels on Instagram about our most recent 6-month trip to 17 countries in Europe, Asia, and Africa, I've had many people ask: "How do you even BEGIN planning a trip like that?" "What was your budget for this expe...
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#229 How to Plan BIG Adventures for Your Family (+ Budget & Costs)
"Do you have a podcast episode or advice somewhere where you talk about how you instilled a love of reading in your children ? As parents love reading and have read a lot to our children when they were young. Sometimes we sti...
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#228 How to Help Your Kids LOVE 'Reading' (aka Stories, Learning, & Growing)
In Greg's work as a coach, he often hears something like this: "Yes I agree, but how do I talk to my spouse about that??? " Sometimes we're shocked that a spouse feels like they can't bring up a topic with their 'better half'...
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#227 Babe, I Want to Be Able to Talk to You About ANYTHING -- Let's Listen & Discuss This
Greg received an email from a friend who said, " My son needs a life coach :) " His response was, " EVERYONE needs a life coach." The stigma is that only people with problems or those who 'can't figure it out' need a life coa...
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#226 Please Don't Be Offended That I Shared This Episode With You -- Here's Why YOU (and I) Need a Coach
No matter if you homeschool or send your kids to public or private school, YOU are responsible for the outcomes of their education. The first step is for YOU to define what EDUCATION means to you . Is it academic learning? Gr...
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#225 How to Help Your (Public or Homeschool) Kids Get a World-Class Education
This episode would not be complete without listening to these episodes as well: What Wives Need to Know About Their Husband's Sex Drives And What Men Need to Know About Themselves Sex-quel Follow-Up Episode with Rachel Dennin...
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#224 How (& WHY) to Have Sex 3-6 Times a Week EVEN with Kids, Businesses, Homeschool, Jobs, Activities, and More
Do you feel stuck? Or like you're constantly dealing with the same problems -- in your marriage, with your kids, or your finances? Does it feel like you can never 'afford it' -- no matter what it is? Or that you keep having t...
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#223 How to Prevent 80% of Problems & Find Lasting Solutions When Challenges Do Arise
As part of the 28-Day Challenge we ask participants to choose one food to give up. Some choose sugar. But it’s not always easy to give it up. As one mom said: “…the sweet tooth got the best of me. I don’t drink soda and have...
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#222 How Sugar Contributes to Disease & How to Give it Up FOR GOOD
At work, home, family life, and marriage, it’s easy to blame the circumstances of life or to say ‘That’s just the way things are’ … But the reality is that we’re often participating in, perpetuating, or creating our own chaos...
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#221 Specific Strategies & Tools to Make Your Marriage Good, Better, Great & EXTRAORDINARY