Feeling lost and overwhelmed by all the advice and strategies out there about how to change your life? In this thought-provoking episode, hosts Rachel and Greg Denning—successful business owners, avid world travelers, and par...
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#275 How to Change Your Life -- Finding the First Step to Making Changes That LAST
In this episode, Greg and Rachel Denning dive deep into today's global issues and share their insights on how to stay informed and prepared . They discuss the significance of asking the right questions and seeking information...
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#272 Surviving & Thriving the Current Fourth Turning: Mental, Emotional, Physical, and Financial 'Resourcefulness'
Join Greg and Rachel Denning as they take you on a thrilling journey through their recent bucket list adventure and travel across London, Kazakhstan , Mongolia , China & Qatar . In this episode, they share captivating stories...
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#271: Adventures in Mongolia & Beyond: Building Relationships, Learning from Travel, and Some Current Events
It's easy to get stuck in a rut and to fill that your days blur together... especially while raising a family. So how do you change that? How do you have more happiness, meaning, and joy in the day-to-day 'to do's that otherw...
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#265 How to Get Out of 'Blah' & Live Each Day with More Meaning & Happiness
This week's question came from a member of Rachel's 28-Day Challenge who said: "I really struggle with trying to do everything . I feel like when I was doing the M1 (Marriage Level 1) Challenge my marriage was great. But I ca...
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#264 I'm Spread Too Thin!! How Can I 'Do It All' & Stop Neglecting the Most Important People in My Life???
I received this excellent question in my Instagram DM "How do you decide which scientific research to listen to? Particularly when it comes to health-related topics like what is healthy to eat and what is not? It seems there ...
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#260 How to Know Which Science to Believe About What's Healthy & What's Not??
"Thanks for this episode . I wanted to get in touch to ask if you could share any advice for when your kids were younger and babies? I run a food business and recently had my first baby. I am struggling to manage the disparit...
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#258 How to Prevent & Manage Overwhelm as a Parent of Young (or Old) Kids, While Pursuing BIG Dreams & Goals
"I'm writing to tell you both what an inspiration you've been to me over the last year! I've listened to almost all your podcasts and am working my way through the family systems and charts course . All your information is cl...
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#257 Practicalities of Travel as a Family, Budget Saving Tips, + How to Worldschool (No Matter Your Schooling Choice)
As a follow-up question to a recent episode about helping your spouse 'show up' or invest in your extraordinary life , we were asked: "I love listening to your podcast. I'm a stay-at-home mom of four and I homeschool. I reall...
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#256 How to Become More CAPABLE So You Can Do The Work to Achieve Your Extraordinary Life, Marriage & Family
First, let us start by explaining what we're NOT saying in this episode. EVERY family should not homeschool. But *most* families should (we explain what that means). And NO, homeschooling does not automatically guarantee cert...
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#246 Why 'Every' Family* Should Homeschool Their Kids if They Want EXTRAORDINARY Outcomes
As we begin the New Year and pursuing new goals, this timely episode shares a real-life *happening now* obstacle to pursuing our dream (to buy a chateau in France) -- getting stuck and stranded in Casablanca, Morocco. We walk...
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#245 Face & OVERCOME the (Inevitable) Obstacles to Your Family's Goals & Dreams!
As we record this we're sitting in an Airbnb in Tangier, Morocco , living yet *another* of our family's dreams -- to road trip from Portugal to Morocco. Before this trip is over we'll travel from our home base in Portugal to ...
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#244 Make NEXT Year Your Best Yet! How to Turn Your Family Dreams into Reality
"What would I actually do if I spent more time with my wife and kids? What does that look like? " "I went on a getaway with my husband and I was bored . I couldn't wait to get back to the kids." "I've been going on more dates...
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#242 HOW to (Enjoy) Spending More Time with Your Spouse & Kids
Are your kids picky eaters? Are you concerned about their short and long-term health because of a lack of nutrition? Then listen to this episode where we discuss the importance -- and strategies -- for instilling good dietary...
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#240 Dealing with Picky Eaters & Empowering a Lifetime of Healthy Food Choices
In this series about raising well-adjusted kids and better family stability , we're now diving into the 2nd level of the Extraordinary Family Life Pyramid -- Marriage! YOU are the foundation of your family life, followed by y...
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#237 The Stability of Your Family Life DEPENDS on the Stability of Your Marriage