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Most Recent Episodes

March 1, 2020

#94 Why does my life suck?

Most of us have aspects of our life that are frustrating or disappointing. Why is that? Why is it that that part of our life sucks? Honestly, because we suck at it! That’s actually really great news because once we realize ...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast
Feb. 26, 2020

#93 The state of your brain determines the state of your life

If we don’t understand how the brain works, we don’t understand how life works. New brain scanning technology is revolutionizing what we know about human performance and how the brain is affecting our bodies and our lives. B...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast
Feb. 18, 2020

#91 Life Changing Lessons From Thailand

There’s nothing quite like an international adventure to be a pattern interrupter, a wake up call, and a reality check. It’s when we are exposed to new and different things, and to wonderful people that we remember to think, ...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast
Feb. 9, 2020

#90 Will You Be Broken or Beautiful? Picking up the pieces of your life.

What will you do with the broken fragments of your life? Each of us experiences many things in life that feel broken and irreparable. That gives us a choice. We can amass a pile of rubbish or erect a pillar of beauty! You a...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast
Feb. 5, 2020

#89 How to Live in Real Joy and to Radiate it to Those Around You

In this episode, host Greg Denning explores the concept of experiencing profound, daily joy that permeates one's entire being . He emphasizes that such joy is attainable but often overshadowed by distractions, conflicting emo...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast
Jan. 24, 2020

#86 Everything you do has a cost!

Very few people accurately do the math to figure out what their choices and actions are costing them. In fact, most people are completely unaware that every thought, every word, every choice, every action, and every habit ha...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast
Jan. 16, 2020

#85 The REAL risk of living an Unfulfilling and Unexciting life and what to do about it

The risk is real! We are all at risk of living in unfulfilling, disconnected, and unexciting life. That is unacceptable for high performers! But if we are not deliberate and intentional about setting up systems, practices,...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast
Jan. 11, 2020

#84 How Do You REALLY Measure If You Are Truly Successful?

How does one measure progress, status, growth, improvement, standing, high-performance, wisdom, greatness, and true success? How do I see past my Blind spot’s, my erroneous perceptions of myself, my mistaken conclusions? Wi...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast
Jan. 6, 2020

#83 Pursuing Your Potential

As a human being you have the incomparable privilege of pursuing your potential! Sadly many of us go along through life unaware of the privilege and so we merely exist in survival mode and ultimately fall far short of where ...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast
Dec. 30, 2019

#82 BEWARE These Pirates & Hijackers That Rob You of Focus, Freedom, & Joy

Many of us are being attacked by pirates and hijackers on a daily basis! They are subtle and cunning. They rob us of our focus, our freedom, and our potential. As a result, we end up living in perpetual self-sabotage and sla...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast
Dec. 25, 2019

#80 The BEST Thing You Can Do For Those You Love

I love giving gifts and doing things for the people I love most of my life! I’m sure you do too. We spend a lot of time and effort thinking about gifts that we can give and about ways we can serve the people we love. But we ...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast
Dec. 21, 2019

#79 The Truth is... You’re Afraid

Is fear holding you back? Do you find yourself burdened or even consumed by fear, worry, doubt? It’s easy to slip into a dark negative space we were constantly afraid of what might happen or what others might think. We get ...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast
Dec. 9, 2019

#76 Are You Actually Doing What MUST Be Done?

I blew it. 10 years ago I wrote down in my journal the thing I knew I needed to do. But I didn’t do it. I had good reasons a.k.a. excuses. I told myself stories to justify and to rationalize why I couldn’t get it done. But t...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast
Dec. 4, 2019

#74 Seven People You Need To Have In Your Life

We all need to have certain people our life, especially if we want to live an extraordinary family life! There are 7 people that we ideally want to have in our lives. 1. A friend 2. A partner 3. A dependent 4. Someone to s...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast
Dec. 2, 2019

#73 Living With The Power of Gratitude

Gratitude is one of the most motivating forces in the world! When we are deeply grateful we take action. When we have gratitude for our bodies we take care of them better. When we have gratitude for our spouses we cherish t...
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The EXTRAORDINARY Family Life Podcast