You never graduate from learning. Though, sometimes we feel childish when we get to start something new. Very few adults learn new talents. Why is it that when we get older we think that because we never had the chance when w...
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#18 Your moral obligation to become your best self
What group or people do we de-humanize? Democrats? Republicans? Muslims? Black people? White people? The list goes on, why do we objectify people? During WW2 the Germans strategically under social strategy got the general po...
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#16 Will You Be a Part of This Problem, Or Its Solution?!
In this episode, host Greg Denning discuss how emotion is the driving force in our lives. He asks: "What emotions do I feel most of the time? Is that how I WANT to feel?" If emotion is a choice -- and in this episode Greg wil...
When someones poor choice effects you, it's hard not to react in an outburst, or hold it against them. People carry hate for people their entire lives. Maybe you are in the right, but how does keeping that chip on your shoul...
Caution! Awesome stories and reality checks lay ahead! While playing football, Greg's hand got smashed between two helmets and broke four metacarpals. When he saw that his back up wasn't doing too well, he headed back into t...
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#12 Broken Bones, shootings, and obesity. Life lessons from strange stories.
Everyday you have the choice to between mediocrity and excellence. When Greg was just twelve years old, he was out late in a bad part of town with some friends. He ended up getting beat up pretty bad by some older teenagers...
The common thread of how people end up at rock bottom. How do people's lives crumble and ultimately lead to the giant train wreck at the end of the tunnel? The cause has been around since humans first began. Juvenal, a Roman...
At the end of our life, most hope to say it was meaningful, filled with love and accomplished. Whatever your goal is, your passion to complete, you need more than ambition to get there! You need a game plan. You have to know ...
There are times in our life where we get so busy with one goal, that every other area in life gets thrown off balance. Some people work so hard at their job that they neglect their health - on the other hand, others spend so...
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#8 Incredible Stories and Reality Checks That We All Need
Life all blends together when things are the same every single day. Then when we look back, the few things we remember were the oddities to the norm -good or bad. Our memories are something that no other human being can take...