There are two ways to experience life. You can let it happen to you or you can make it happen for you.
For most people, the only things that happen in their lives are the things that happened to them. They live like puppets,...
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#126 Letting life happen TO you or making it happen FOR you
What do you do when life gets crazy? What will you do when life gets crazier? The answer is that we all fall back to our training! Archilochus said, “we do not rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of ou...
Winning requires a different set of skills and a different mindset! Anyone can show up to play or to participate, but if you want to win you have to think and act differently. You have to be more strategic!
And so we must as...
Are you progressing? Really progressing? We are made to move! We are created to create! When we are not moving, creating, progressing we feel empty and blah. And we feel that way if we are not moving at the right pace. We hav...
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#121 Progress IS Happiness. Happiness is progress.
Repetition is the unsexy secret to success! And it is one of the greatest ironies in life. We are so quick to say to ourselves that we’ve already done that before, we’ve already heard that before, we’ve already seen that befo...
Most of us are just too stoppable. We stop at every obstacle, every inconvenience, every time we get uncomfortable, or every time we doubt ourselves.
We make excuses, we justify, we rationalize, we tell ourselves stories abo...
We think of those who have died so that we can remember to live! We remember those who have lived heroic lives so that we are reminded to live heroic lives ourselves.
Everyone of us has the opportunity and privilege to desi...
Where have you settled for less?
What dream or goal have you given up on? Take journey into the past, into your own past, and remember what you used to dream about. Do you still want that dream?
If it’s still in your heart,...
Have you ever wanted to do life differently? Have you ever dreamed about living a life it is very distinct from the one you’re living now?
I want to invite you to question everything. Not any cynical or critical way, but in ...
The level of your thinking dictates the level of your life!
You have trained yourself, probably unconsciously, to think the way you think. If that thinking is not creating the results you want then you need to strategically ...
Too often we fail to give importance to The most important things in our lives.
We get busy and distracted. We get passionate about things that don’t matter and passive about things to do.
We know that certain things should...
When the dust settles as it is already beginning to do most of us will see that fear cost far more problems than COVID-19 ever did.
With the best of intentions many people and significant leaders made decisions to close down...
This is what leads great people to greatness.
You know when you have periods in your life when you’re doing something or seeing something repeatedly and a lesson becomes blatantly obvious and clear?
I’m reading Hamilton and...
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#105 The BEST Way to Get The Results You Really Want
I know this sounds crazy but I see it all the time! There are literally ways that we can accomplish more in less time and with less stress and strain.
You’ve probably already experienced this in your life when you realized t...
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#104 Increasing your capacity to do MORE with LESS stress and strain
Are you feeling hopeful and genuinely happy? Is your home filled with happiness and hope?
Too often we only feel hope and happiness when things are going our way but begin to feel hopeless and unhappy the moment anything goe...
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#103 How to Fill Your Life With Hope and Happiness