This episode is just taking the three C's of individual development more in depth: Coaches: If you want a good coach, make sure they practice what they preach. Don't get a health coach that is out of shape, or a marriage coun...
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#25 The 3 Non-negotiable Elements of an Awesome Sauce Life
You can tell a lot about a person by how they treat and take care of themselves. We all have an obligation to work on ourselves more than anything else. Good Input = Good Output, (and vice versa) are you building yourself up...
We are all aware of our weaknesses. Becoming a better person is a simple mindset shift to say "Ok, I'm going to work on those." Make a plan, get it done! Never settle when you are working on yourself. In fact everything good...
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#23 Every good thing in your life will come from this one commitment!
Enmity: The state or feeling of being actively opposed or hostile to someone or something. We should not feel enmity towards other people, in fact we should judge ourselves by how we treat people who are unkind to us. Turn t...
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#20 How to remove judgment, racism, prejudice and enmity from your life.
Encourage your dreams. If you can't change the world yet, what can you do to change your world? Courage is the only thing you need to reach your dream, to change your world. Is money stopping you? Then make a good business/mo...
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#19 Cultivating the Courage to Pursue Your Goals and Dreams
You never graduate from learning. Though, sometimes we feel childish when we get to start something new. Very few adults learn new talents. Why is it that when we get older we think that because we never had the chance when w...
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#18 Your moral obligation to become your best self
Drove from Dallas, TX all the way to New York City. When he found he couldn't get a job or even get into school, he called a buddy and that friend drove all the way up to get him! They almost crashed on the way home, but ne...
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#17 So there I was—Crazy stories and important lessons
What group or people do we de-humanize? Democrats? Republicans? Muslims? Black people? White people? The list goes on, why do we objectify people? During WW2 the Germans strategically under social strategy got the general po...
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#16 Will You Be a Part of This Problem, Or Its Solution?!
In this episode, host Greg Denning discuss how emotion is the driving force in our lives. He asks: "What emotions do I feel most of the time? Is that how I WANT to feel?" If emotion is a choice -- and in this episode Greg wil...
Caution! Awesome stories and reality checks lay ahead! While playing football, Greg's hand got smashed between two helmets and broke four metacarpals. When he saw that his back up wasn't doing too well, he headed back into t...
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#12 Broken Bones, shootings, and obesity. Life lessons from strange stories.
Everyday you have the choice to between mediocrity and excellence. When Greg was just twelve years old, he was out late in a bad part of town with some friends. He ended up getting beat up pretty bad by some older teenagers...
The common thread of how people end up at rock bottom. How do people's lives crumble and ultimately lead to the giant train wreck at the end of the tunnel? The cause has been around since humans first began. Juvenal, a Roman...
There are times in our life where we get so busy with one goal, that every other area in life gets thrown off balance. Some people work so hard at their job that they neglect their health - on the other hand, others spend so...
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#8 Incredible Stories and Reality Checks That We All Need
Everyone needs a mentor to teach them, though those mentors don't always have to right in front of you. Learning from the best people in history often comes through their books. Some of the brightest people of all time have...
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#7 The one habit that has brought every good thing into my life
What are your dreams if you had no limits? What are those limits and how can you get them out of the way? T hen there is the hard question, how many of our obstacles are there because we put them there? When we do stupid thi...